The last few months of my life have involved being what some might call lost but the more generous might call being in a necessary hiatus. Without complaining too much, I must say that emerging from the cocoon of structured education has left me not as a soaring butterfly, but more a broken moth, who never really learnt to fly. Ok, that sounds like a characteristic self-deprecation, but seriously, no-one warned us that early 20s was going to be so tough.
After wading through a sea of half-hearted applications and dulled excitement for the metaphorical red-ringed paper job ads [a number of admin positions, a host of office jobs, data analysis etc. etc.], I uncovered the post-graduate nursing program; a fairly new course which fast-tracks you to becoming a registered nurse (experience permitting). My avenue of choice? After the Red Cross stuff in France, it could be nothing other than pediatrics. And so with blood in my veins once again I managed to get through the various screening and secured a place at King's College London. That saga will begin in September...
In the mean time, I have had the unexpected pleasure of joining the team at a close by pub, 'The Eagle', which has certainly filled any head-space that I had floating around. Those who have done bar/ restaurant work will know that it's a tough industry; fashions constantly changing, customers notoriously hard to please, and that's without even touching on the ever-growing challenge of actually making money. Saying that, I like the team-atmosphere & challenge of the industry and admire those who choose to take it on, as recognition is frequently deserved but rarely dished out.
And so this brings me on to the subject of the next 2.5 months - traveling. After this mish-mash year of ups and downs and more downs, some friends and I got our act together and decided to make the most of our last months of freedom and venture to America del Sur.
What the next couple of months will hold, I am unsure...but I will be filling you all in about any awkward risings at regular intervals, so please sit-back, relax and read!